Featured Work
Bookshelf App
Web App that places books on an ebookshelf. Technologies: React, HTML, CSS, JS
Star Wars
An interactive website using the Star Wars API. Technologies: Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JS.
Memory Game
An online version of the classic memory game. Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS.
Pixel Canvas
Fun pixel canvas to draw on to create beautiful pixelated pieces of art. Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery.
Frogger Game
Homage to the old arcade game. See how many times you can reach the river before you run into a giant bug! Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS.
To Do List
Simple todo list using the MERN stack(MongoDB, Mongoose, Express.js, React, Redux, Node.js). Deployed with Heroku
About Me
Hi! I'm a web developer based in Los Angeles. I have a major passion for learning, creativity, and simplicity. I really value self-growth, so I'm always reading, learning something new and trying to challenge myself. In my free time you might find me at a coffee shop or specialty donut store because it's about the small things in life.